Legal Articles, Civil Rights
Special Education and Disability Access: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Blog post on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and how it works in schools.
Racial Discrimination in the Workplace
Blog post on racial discrimination in the workplace discussing what it is as well as federal and state laws that protect against it.
Pursuing A Discrimination Claim In Florida
A brief synopsis of the general procedures for pursuing a discrimination claim in Florida, under federal and/or state law.
Can businesses refuse to serve or employ Trump supporters?
Blog post on the legality of a business to serve someone on the basis of their political beliefs.
Watertown – Fourth Amendment Exceptions
An analysis of the exceptions to the Warrant requirement for the searches of nearby homes after the Boston Marathon Bombing.
Government, Hypocrisy and Legitimacy
In 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in the case of Holder v. Humanitarian Law. In that case, Plaintiffs, Humanitarian Law Project, argued that certain provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act (18 U. S. C. §2339B) were unconstitutional.
Can I be fired because of my tattoos?
Tattoos are freedom of expressions, right? As long as you are of age you have a legal right to decorate your skin. While this right is derived from privacy and freedom of speech, does this right to expression translate to a business environment? Could you even be fired for showing your tattoos?
Disability Access Litigation Still Needed
Mark Potter, a civil rights attorney, describes his experience over the past 19 years. Provides an overview of the challenges facing persons with disabilities and benefits of disability access litigation.