Legal Articles, Civil & Human Rights
Warrantless Governmental Surveillance through the Use of Emerging Technology Has Become a Mainstay of Governmental Investigation By Vania M. Chaker, Esq.
The United States government enjoys awesome technological capabilities; however, it is unclear whether they have been tempered by the countervailing protective judicial or legislative safeguards necessary to offset the greatly increased potential for improper government intrusiveness.
OK For Person With Concealed Weapons License to Carry a Concealed Firearm in Restaurant Serving Alcoholic Beverages
A person holding a Florida concealed weapons permit can "carry" in a restaurant which also serves alcoholic beverages under many circumsatnces.
Know your rights:
Should All States Permit the Use of Medicaid for Assisted Living?
The question of using Medicaid funds for assisted living is a big one for many in the elder care field. As we have discussed before, Medicaid is a joint state and federal program.
Alzheimer’s Disease vs Age Related Memory Loss
There was a recent article discussing Nobel Prize-winning Professor Eric Kandel’s 50+ years of research on the topic of memory loss and Alzheimer’s Disease.
You Can Pay Your Medicare Premiums Online
Online bill paying has become a popular way to make paying bills easier, and now you can pay your Medicare premiums online too. If your bank allows customers to pay bills online, you can use that service to pay your Medicare premiums.
Why Hiring an Elder Law Attorney Can Save You Money with Medicaid and Asset Protection Planning
Some seniors and their families don’t use a lawyer to plan for long-term care or Medicaid, often because they’re afraid of the cost. An Elder Law attorney can help you save money in the long run as well as make sure you are getting the best care for your loved one.
How do Medicare and Employer Coverage Work Together?
Medicare benefits start at age 65, but many people continue working past that age, either by choice or need. It is important to understand how Medicare and employer coverage work together.
Tips For Long Distance Caregivers
What if there is a problem and you are not around the corner to help?
Being a long distance caregiver for an elderly or disabled loved one is tough.
Is There a Large Scale Problem with Court Appointed Guardians?
In my opinion, the answer to the question of “is there a large scale problem with court appointed guardians” is “no.”