Legal Articles, Government
The use of Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) Scores in Social Security Hearings
Mental health professionals will use Global Assessment of Functioning Scores as an estimate of severity in diagnoses. Administrative Law judges will use these scores to deny benefits. However, the Social Security Administration does not rely on these scores
Opinions from medical providers who are not "acceptable medical sources" in Social Security claims
Administrative Law Judges often reject opinions from providers who are not doctorates because the opinion does not come from "an acceptable medical source." However, the regulations clearly indicate these records can be used for some purposes.
Compliance with Medical Treatment in Social Security Disability Cases
Social Security disability decisions may consider whether an individual complies with recommendations for medical treatment. Often, Administrative Law Judges use this as an excuse to deny benefits. This article considers whether the Administrative Law judge decision meets the required standards
Kelo and Lingle:Two Landmark Takings Decisions Courtesy of the U.S. Supreme Court
The U.S. Supreme Court's 2004-2005 session produced several important decisions concerning the taking of private property for public use under the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Woodham v. City of Atlanta
Landmark decision of the Supreme Court of Georgia, unanimously reversing the trial court 7-0, holding that the diversion of school tax dollars to fund non-educational purposes in the BeltLine TAD violated the Educational Purpose Clause of the 1983 Georgia Constitution.
Fulton County Bd. of Tax Assessors v. Calliope Properties, LLC
Fulton County appeals award of attorney's fees granted in ad valorem property tax appeal case.
Sherman v. Development Authority of Fulton County et al.
Development Authority of Fulton County Gets Spanked Again By the Georgia Court of Appeals.
The Court of Appeals vacates yet another fraudulent and sham "phantom" bond validation order coming out of the Superior Court of Fulton County. I represented the prevailing Appellant John S. Sherman.
Social Security Disability Processing Times
Social Security disability processing times with emphasis on times in North Carolina ODARs.
FDA Certificates and the EU - Import/Export
Depending on the product you export, you must be registered with the FDA and have a certificate. The EU now requires manufacturers/exporters to be registered as well.