Dr. Bruce Fagel has tried and settled more medical malpractice cases than any other attorney in California.

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Personal Injury, General Practice, birth injury|cerebral palsy|brain injury|wrongful death|kaiser malpractice|nursing home negligence|surgical malpractice|cancer misdiagnosis|medication error|ER Malpractice|mental retardation|premature delivery|doctor and hospital malpractice|brachial plexus injury|developmental delays|paralysis|anesthesia malpractice|plastic surgery malpractice|labor and delivery problems|elder abuse.



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Dr. Bruce G. Fagel is not just a medical malpractice lawyer. He is also a licensed doctor who practiced emergency medicine for 10 years before becoming an attorney. When The National Law Journal selected "The Top 10 Trial Attorneys in the Nation," Dr. Fagel was the only medical malpractice attorney listed. Dr. Fagel has been nominated eight times by the Consumer Attorney Association for their prestigious Trial Lawyer of the Year award. This background and knowledge have made Dr. Fagel one of the most successful medical malpractice lawyers in the nation. He has personally settled over 700 medical malpractice cases, including over 200 cases involving cerebral palsy.

Dr. Fagel's track record as a medical malpractice lawyer and his medical knowledge as a doctor gives him the edge that is needed for maximum recoveries, awards and settlements in complex birth injury cases.

Our frequent success at trial gives us a significant advantage when dealing with defense attorneys and insurance companies that represent doctors and hospitals in settlement negotiations. Approximately 95% of the cases filed by our office settle prior to the trial date due to our reputation and strong trial record. Dr. Fagel's results speak for themselves--resolution of more than 700 medical malpractice cases and recovery of more than $1 billion in verdicts and settlements.

Cerebral palsy claims and lawsuits can be unsuccessful when placed in the hands of an attorney who does not fully understand medicine. Only a highly experienced medical malpractice attorney--like Dr. Fagel--will be able to review your claim, make an accurate determination to prove that malpractice caused your child's cerebral palsy, and then commit the resources needed to obtain a maximum recovery for your child. There is no better choice than an attorney who has direct experience in medicine and is a licensed doctor. Dr. Fagel knows what should and what shouldn't happen in a hospital, and how to recognize malpractice in the medical records.

Cerebral palsy results from a lack of oxygen to the brain during childbirth and is one of the most severe birth injuries that an infant can sustain. The condition may not be diagnosed immediately and can have life-long consequences to the baby and the family, as they will face a lifetime of medical treatment and care.

It is possible that a doctor or nurse--through their actions or lack of action--caused the child's cerebral palsy. If you are interested in exploring your options in bringing a lawsuit against the negligent party for their actions, it is important to consult an attorney as soon as possible. And not just any attorney. You need an attorney like Dr. Fagel who limits his legal practice to only handling medical malpractice cases--specializing in birth and brain injuries.

Dr. Bruce G. Fagel is here to help you if your child is suffering from cerebral palsy. Dr. Fagel has the knowledge and experience of both the medical and legal fields to help you reach the best outcome possible for your cerebral palsy lawsuit.

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Whittier Law SchoolJD Law SchoolN/A  
University of Illinois Medical College of MedicineMD1972
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  • Dr. Fagel achieved a verdict of $59.3 million on behalf of a 3-year-old girl who now has cerebral palsy as a result of asphyxia occurring during the birth process. Nurses noted that the plaintiff’s mother’s blood pressure was elevated 6½ hours after she was admitted to the hospital for induced labor but chose not the call the obstetrician. When the obstetrician examined the mother 4 hours later, he diagnosed her with pregnancy induced hypertension, making her a high-risk patient. Later in the afternoon, at about 2:45 pm, the nurse noticed negative changes in the fetal monitor strip and increased the amount of Pitocin administered to the mother, as directed by the obstetrician, to generate a better labor pattern. At a 3:00 pm shift change, the patient was placed under the care of another nurse who was still orienting herself to the labor and delivery unit. The obstetrician returned at 5:15 pm and attempted to deliver the baby vaginally but was unable. He ordered a C-section at 6:00 pm, and the baby was delivered at 6:23 pm with severe perinatal asphyxia. Dr, Fagel proved that the nurses were negligent for increasing the Pitocin despite distressing fetal monitor strip readings, which interacted with the mother’s pregnancy induced hypertension to trigger an episode of acute asphyxia in the infant at about 5:50 pm. The obstetrician was also shown to be negligent for ordering the increased use of Pitocin at 2:45 pm. In addition, he and the hospital were shown to be negligent for not proceeding with a Cesarean section sooner, as Dr. Fagel demonstrated that the plaintiff would have been healthy if delivered before 5:50 pm. The delivery’s difficulties were also compounded by the 3:00 pm shift change, which placed the patient under the care of an un-experienced nurse, who herself stated at trial that she was unable to interpret the fetal monitor strip by herself. Of the $59.3 million awarded by the jury, approximately $49 million ($6.43 million present cash value) was allocated to offset all past and future medical costs, $9.8 million (904,000 present cash value) was allocated to compensate for future loss of earning capacity, and $200,000 was rewarded to each parent for emotional distress claims. Dr. Fagel achieved a verdict of $460,000,000 on the behalf of a young girl who suffers total paralysis of all movement and function below the neck as a result of excessive forceps use during delivery. The mother was admitted to the defendant hospital at 8:30 a.m. for induction of labor because the pregnancy was overdue. The defendant obstetrician, Dr. Jouvenat, ordered that the mother be given Pitocin to augment labor at 11 a.m. The Pitocin was stopped at 6:45 p.m. due to fetal distress, and Defendant Jouvenat then artificially ruptured the membranes of the placenta and inserted an internal scalp electrode to measure the fetus’ heartbeat at 11:20 p.m. At about midnight, an x-ray and ultrasound revealed that the baby was large and had a large head. Based upon these findings, Dr. Jouvenat advised the mother that he was considering performing a C-section. However, immediately thereafter, Dr. Jouvenat inexplicably left the hospital and did not return until 14 hours later (2:13 p.m. the next day). At about 10 a.m. the next day, nurses noticed swelling of the cervix, which is a significant indication of cephalo-pelvic disproportion (baby’s head is too large for the mother’s pelvis), a condition that usually requires Cesarean delivery. At this time a nurse called defendant Jouvenat to request his presence, but he did not appear at the hospital. At 12:40 p.m., the mother’s cervix was completely dilated and she went into the second stage of labor, which begins with complete dilation of the cervix and ends with delivery of the baby. The second stage is considered prolonged if it lasts more than one hour, yet Dr. Jouvenat did not arrive at the hospital until more than 1 ½ hours until the mother was completely dilated. When defendant Jouvenat arrived, he decided to attempt vaginal delivery using forceps. He applied forceps to the baby’s head and pulled so violently that the mother was almost pulled off the delivery table. Dr. Jouvenat used forceps for a period of 22 minutes, all the while exhibiting use of techniques and force that is unacceptable and well below the standard of care in any obstetrical practice. The defendant applied such excessive force that the ligaments and other structures supporting the infant’s spinal cord were severed, causing irreversible paralysis from the neck down. When the umbilical cord was cut after the minor plaintiff’s birth, she immediately turned blue because she could not breathe on her own as a result of being fully paralyzed from the neck down. Her condition required immediate intubation and controlled breathing resuscitation, but Dr. Jouvenat failed to provide treatment of any kind. As a result of defendant Jouvenat’s negligent and reckless actions, the infant suffered the following injuries: total paralysis from the neck down, the inability to breathe on her own, a fractured collarbone, severe swelling of the entire head and a torn scalp. In an attempt to deceive the mother of the true cause of her child’s condition and to cover up the negligence of Dr. Jouvenat, all the physicians present during the labor and delivery (all of whom were defendants in this case) worked together to intentionally hide the true facts surrounding the minor plaintiff’s birth. The defendants told the mother that the cause of the minor plaintiff’s paralysis was a genetic disorder inherited from her parents, known as Werdnig-Hoffman Syndrome. The statement was completely false and was known by all the defendants to be false. Fortunately, Dr. Fagel was not only able to prove that Dr. Jouvenat’s careless actions caused the child’s severe injuries, but also that all the defendants conspired to hide Dr. Jouvenat’s negligence. In regards to Dr. Jouvenat’s actions during labor and delivery, he specifically ignored signs that his patient required a Cesarean section, including cervical swelling, a prolonged second stage of labor, abnormalities in the fetal heart tracing and an x-ray that showed a large baby and probable cephalo-pelvic disproportion. In addition, defendant Jouvenat intentionally and purposefully attempted a forceps delivery, knowing that it would require prolonged and excessive trauma to the child’s head and spinal cord. The defendant also ignored the recommendation of delivery room nurses to perform a Cesarean section, failed to respond to their first request for his attendance, and when he finally responded he did not arrive at the hospital for over 1 ½ hours. Finally, to make the plaintiff’s case even stronger, Dr. Fagel discovered that defendant Jouvenat, prior to and at the time of the plaintiff’s delivery, knowingly consumed and used alcohol and cocaine to excess. Dr. Fagel also discovered that Dr. Jouvenat abused pain and sleep medications, including but not limited to Codeine, Halcion and Centrax. Dr. Fagel used these facts to his and Mrs. Hughes’ advantage, by arguing that the drug and alcohol abuse impaired the defendant’s medical judgment in caring for the minor plaintiff. The $460,000,000 awarded by the jury will be used compensate for the minor plaintiff’s future loss of earnings and to cover the high costs of the child’s past and future medical expenses, which include continual assistance in all activities of daily life and basic functions such as eating and breathing.

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Fee: Call our offices today at 800-541-9376 for a free consultation. All of our cases are taken on a contingency fee basis so there is no cost to you until we succeed.

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Bruce Fagel
9200 West Sunset Boulevard
Suite 670
West Hollywood, CA 90069


9200 West Sunset Boulevard
Suite 670
West Hollywood, CA 90069

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