Ashley Jones | Cleveland Criminal Lawyer
Misdemeanor, Felony, DUI-DWI, Criminal, General Practice, Traffic, Appeals
- Law Office: Law Offices of Ashley L. Jones
- Independence Law Firms
- Law School: Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Cleveland State University, JD 2011
- Status: In Good Standing * Status is reviewed annually, For latest information visit here
- Licensed: 13 years
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That first case was a landlord tenant dispute, one where the tenant desperately needed legal representation against a landlord who was acting unfairly. To win her first case in trial meant so much to Ms. Jones, but it meant more to the clients whose rights she protected. And so a law practice was birthed. A practice devoted to helping people, be it a civil or criminal case. At the end of the day, Ms. Jones is concerned with ensuring that rights are protected and that justice is administered fairly and appropriately. Part of that means running a practice that believes that everyone deserves an attorney at a fair price, especially in tough economic times.
In the past years, I have had several DUI/OVI cases that the prosecutor's office has had to dismiss. In particular, there were two, each a second DUI offense within 6 years, where I filed a Motion to Suppress attacking the basis that the officer had to initiate a traffic stop of my client. In each case, the court agreed that there was no basis for the stop, and the city was forced to dismiss the cases in their entirety.
How did you build a successful practice?I've built a successful practice by getting good results, and having good communication.
What information can you provide in a free phone consultation?In a free phone consultation, I am able to assess the situation and create a game-plan and method of attack. I always create a game-plan with clients and keep them in the loop.
What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?The most rewarding aspect of my job is justice- in society, we often only hear prosecutor's talk about getting justice, but good defense attorneys seek justice as well, on behalf of their clients.
Are you involved in your community?am very involved in the community. I am active in several bar associations, including the Ohio Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. I also am on the Board of Trustees of the Cleveland-Marshall Law Alumni Association, and am the Chair of the Small Firm and Solo Practitioner Section of the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association.
Position | Organization | Location | Duration |
Owner and Principal Attorney | Law Offices of Ashley L. Jones | 11/2011-Present |
School | Degree | Major | Graduation |
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Cleveland State University | JD | Law School | 2011 |
Ohio University | BS | 2008 |
State / Court | Date |
Ohio | 2011 |
- Ohio State Bar
Ohio Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Cuyahoga Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
West Shore Bar Association
Honors & Awards
- Highest Grade in Juvenile Law, Cali Excellence for the Future, 2011
Highest Grade in Criminal Law, Cali Excellence for the Future, 2009
Criminal Defense | First degree misdemeanor amended to minor misdemeanor | First degree domestic violence with possible penalty of 180 days and/or $1000.00 fine. Forced prosecutor into deal for a minor misdemeanor disorderly conduct with not even a possibility of jail time and a $100.00 fine. Child Support | State's Motion to Execute Sentence of 54 days dismissed. No finding of contempt | Description:State filed a Motion to Execute Sentence in the amount of 54 days with regard to Defendant's child support arreage; Judge ruled that State failed to prove that Defendant did not complete purge of child support arrearage; Motion dismissed and State could not impose jail time. Criminal Defense | Client placed on probation only when started with 9 criminal charges ranging from First degree felonies to fourth degree felonies | Client was charged with 9 separate crimes, ranging from First degree felonies to fourth degree felonies. Negotiated with prosecutor on three fourth degree felonies with the rest of the charges being dismissed. Despite client's lengthy criminal record and client's score of 12/15 on recidivism scale (likely to commit again) the Judge agreed with my argument that probation was proper.
Office Hours
Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |
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Additional Info
Fee: Call today for your initial free consultation.
Service Type: Private
Update Date: 2014-04-11
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5755 Granger Road
Suite 610
Independence, OH 44131