Noemi Collie | Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer
Noemi Alessandra Collie
- Law Office: Noemi A. Collie, P.C.
- Law School: St. Mary's University School of Law, J.D. 1987
- Status: In Good Standing * Status is reviewed annually, For latest information visit here
- Licensed: 37 years
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My favorite case was a murder case. I met the Defendants parents during a lecture I was giving. They explained that their sons had been arrested in error for the murder and that they have been sitting in jail for over 6 months because they could not afford the bonds and that they had court appointed attorney's they were not happy with and who did not seem to believe them. They explained they knew who the murderer was, and how they were mistaken for the wrong people. I took the cases and worked to get the bonds reduced so we could get them polygraphed outside the jail. They both passed the polygraphs. With those, I was eventually able to get all charges dropped even though the prosecutors were not initially interested in that option even with the polygraphs. I recently won a jury trial sexual assault of a minor case. We had attempted to get it resolved for a couple of years prior. My client had announced he wanted to divorce his wife, and shortly thereafter her young daughter of 14 claimed my client had sexually assaulted her. My client was facing not only prison time, and a life time as registration as a sex offender, but deportation even if he had taken the deferred offer of probation made prior to trial.
How did you build a successful practice?I opened my own office out of my home immediately after graduating from law school in 1987. I have been a sole practitioner since then. I started in federal civil rights plaintiff's litigation and after several years moved into an general practice and from there into a criminal defense practice which as it turns out is my favorite area of practice and what I focus on today.
What should clients look for in a lawyer?The number one complaint I hear from my client's who had attorneys before me, is that they did not communicate well with them. I believe an open line of communication with the attorney is the number one thing you can do to make your clients feel comfortable with you. Obviously, being knowledgeable and experienced are also important. Finally, creativity; not everything has to be handled the same way.
How important is local knowledge to the success of your cases?Local knowledge of how a particular court or county works is important obviously. Some counties have special programs available for first time offenders, drug users, family violence, etc., that would carry much less severe long term repercussions for your client. However, having local knowledge is not as important as knowing when you don't, and not being afraid to ask when you don't.
What information can you provide in a free phone consultation?Pretty much anything you want to know.
What information do you need in a free phone consultation?The details of what, where, when and who, as well, as any prior criminal history.
What differentiates you from other lawyers in your community?I'm creative, don't accept no easily, and will spend the extra time necessary to get what I want for my client without necessarily charging them.
What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?I became a lawyer because I wanted to help people, but it really makes my day whenever a client tells me I saved their life.
What are your other interests in addition to law?Walking or hiking my dog, spending time with my family, painting, home improvement projects, knitting and crocheting, making jewelry, traveling to the mountains or ocean, and a slew of other arts and craft activities.
Are you involved in your community?I'm not per se involved directly in my community a lot. I tend to stay close to my home/office or am in court or with family and friends, however, I believe my efforts in my profession constitute an involvement in my community.
Position | Organization | Location | Duration |
Owner | Noemi A. Collie, P.C. | Dallas, TX | Present |
School | Degree | Major | Graduation |
St. Mary's University School of Law | J.D. | Law School | 1987 |
Texas A&M Univeristy | Bachelors | 1984 |
State / Court | Date |
Texas | 1987 |
- Member | Texas State Bar Association
Honors & Awards
Office Hours
Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |
9:00 am - 5:00 pm | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Verified Credentials
Noemi Alessandra Collie has been a Premium Member since October 11, 2017.
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Verified Credentials | Date Verified |
(1987) Licensed as Attorney in Texas. Verified with Texas Bar Association. | October 11, 2017 |
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Additional Info
TX State Lawyer Additional Information: Statutory Profile Last Certification Date: 10/02/2016 Primary Practice Location: Dallas, Texas Firm Size: Solo
Fee: Call today to learn more about my fee structure.
Service Type: Private
Language: English
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1012 N. Bishop Ave.
Dallas, TX 75208