Michael Drain | Chagrin Falls Criminal Lawyer
Divorce, Child Custody, Criminal, Domestic Violence & Neglect, Paternity, Probate
- Law School: Case Western Reserve University School of Law, JD 1970
- Status: In Good Standing * Status is reviewed annually, For latest information visit here
- Licensed: 54 years
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Contact Us
As a lawyer in Chagrin Falls, OH, Michael Drain, Attorney at Law understands that looming legal issues can be stressful and overwhelming. That's why Michael Drain, Attorney at Law believes in treating clients with care and respect.
Position | Organization | Location | Duration |
Owner | Michael Drain, Attorney at Law | Chagrin Falls, OH | 1974 - Present |
School | Degree | Major | Graduation |
Case Western Reserve University School of Law | JD | Law School | 1970 |
College of the Holy Cross | Bachelor of Arts | English | 1967 |
State / Court | Date |
Ohio | 1970 |
- Member, American Bar Association, 2007 - Present
Treasurer, Shaker Towers Condominium Association, 2003 - Present
Board Member, Community Assessment and Treatment Services, 2003 - Present
Member, Ohio State Bar Association, 2000 - Present
Member, Ohio Lawyers Assistance Program, 1989 - Present
Member, Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association, 1970 - Present
Honors & Awards
- BV Rated, Martindale-Hubbell, 2014
Canty v. Coast Guard Practice Area: Discrimination Date: Jun 10, 1985 Outcome: Judgment for Plaintiff Description: Plaintiff was a merchant seaman who had his seaman's card taken away because he failed to take his epilepsy medication and had a seizure. We proved that the Coast Guard regulation requiring him to be seizure free for one year, when other seaman with medical disabilities were not so burdened, was unreasonable and discriminatory, so the court ordered the restoration of his seaman's card. Higgins v. Stumpf dba Practice Area: Slip and Fall Accident Date: Jan 19, 1989 Outcome: Settled for $289,000 Description: Plaintiff was a customer in a restaurant who slipped and fell on ceramic tile as he was exiting the restaurant. The tile was wet at the time. Plaintiff suffered extensive brain injury as a result of the fall. Garrett v. Cleveland Practice Area: State, Local And Municipal Law Date: Apr 21, 2005 Outcome: Trial court judgment reversed and remanded Description: Plaintiff sued City of Cleveland because the city demolished a house he was rehabbing without engaging in the proper procedures to demolish same. The property was condemned two years before Plaintiff purchased it, but Plaintiff spent $35,000 to fix it up. City building inspectors went to the site and knew that the property had been substantially repaired. The trial court entered summary judgment in favor of the city. On appeal, the appellate court held that genuine issues of material fact existed and returned the case to the trial court.
- Case Western Reserve Law Review, "Truth in Lending: The Impossible Dream", 1970
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Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |
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Service Type: Private
Language: English
Update Date: 2015-11-09
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147 Bell Street
Suite 202
Chagrin Falls, OH 44022