G. Robin Alley | Columbia Family Lawyer
G. Robin Alley
Family Law, Criminal, DUI-DWI, Divorce, General Practice, Personal Injury, Traffic Tickets
- Law Office: Isaacs & Alley LLP
- Law School: University of South Carolina School of Law, JD 1984
- Status: In Good Standing * Status is reviewed annually, For latest information visit here
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Individuals facing legal matters are often scared, confused, upset, and intimidated by the legal process. At the firm of Isaacs & Alley, we understand that clients need peace of mind and we strive to put them at ease. We will work quickly to examine all aspects of your situation to better craft a case strategy that is both effective and issue resolving. The Law Firm of Isaacs & Alley has the experience and the compassion to help you through this difficult process.
Our single greatest founding principle revolves around the notion of keeping our clients comfortable with us and keeping them comfortable throughout the process. We strive for the following:
-Communicate and listen to our clients.
-We believe that the key to winning cases is preparation, and we strive to be second to none in preparation.
-The zeal and empathy with which we represent our clients comes from the combination of our legal skills and communication and preparation that goes into every case.
We recognize that when clients come to see us, they are struggling through a difficult emotional state. Throughout the process, we attempt to empower our clients so they can make informed decisions regarding their futures and the future of their child. We are there for our clients through the whole process. Additionally, we provide prospective clients with a free no obligation consultation
Position | Organization | Location | Duration |
Lawyer | Isaacs & Alley L.L.P. | Columbia, SC | Present |
School | Degree | Major | Graduation |
University of South Carolina School of Law | JD | Law School | 1984 |
State / Court | Date |
South Carolina | 1984 |
- South Carolina State Bar
Honors & Awards
Roberts v. Roberts
Petitioner: Attorney for the petitioner, Richard Roberts. Richard Roberts and his ex wife, Regan Roberts, were disputing 43.5 acres of land gifted to the petitioner by his mother during the couples marriage. The family court ruled that the property was not marital property and therefore not subject to equitable distribution. And appeals court later reversed this decision, finding that the property was marital property. In a third hearing before the Supreme Court of South Carolina, a judge reviewed both the decision of the family court as well as the court of appeals. The court found that there was sufficient evidence to prove that the Roberts had made payments to his mother for the land. The payments nullify the claim that the land was a gift. Court upheld the decision of the appeals court and the land was distributed equitably.BURR v BURR
Attorney for the Appellant in an appeals case in which the trial court's decision to grant the Respondent attorney's fees was affirmed.
Office Hours
Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |
Verified Credentials
G. Robin Alley has been a Premium Member since April 23, 2018.
Lawyers with longer memberships tend to have more experience so we use the Membership date to help prioritize lawyer listings on search pages.
Verified Credentials | Date Verified |
(1984) Licensed as Attorney in South Carolina. Verified with South Carolina Bar. | July 29, 2016 |
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Fee: Call today for your initial free consultation.
Service Type: Private
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2000 Park Street
Suite 100
Columbia, SC 29201