Jason Sandene | Denver Personal Injury Lawyer
Car Accident, Motorcycle Accident, Personal Injury, Slip & Fall Accident, Wrongful Death
- Law Office: The Sandene Law Firm, LLC
- Denver Law Firms
- Law School: Creighton University School of Law, JD 2012
- Status: In Good Standing * Status is reviewed annually, For latest information visit here
- Licensed: 12 years
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Following the events of September 11th, Jason enlisted in the U.S. Army when he was 17 and later spent his 21st birthday in Iraq serving as a sergeant in a transportation battalion. Following his deployment, Jason returned to his hometown of Omaha, Nebraska and attended school on the G.I. Bill. Jason decided to go to law school and become an advocate for those who have been injured through no fault of their own after watching the pain and anxiety his own mother experienced after a back injury ended her nursing career and impaired her active lifestyle.
After graduating from law school, Jason was accepted into the Iowa State Bar but moved to Denver the following day after falling in love with Colorado during a visit earlier that summer. Jason accepted an entry-level position at a well-known personal injury law firm in Denver and then spent the next 10 years as an associate attorney climbing the ranks at several different Colorado law firms, both large and small, all of which specialized in representing injured people against insurance companies. The on-the-job training in helping hundreds of clients taught Jason the ins-and-outs of a personal injury claim and allowed him to master the parts of being a litigator that they can’t teach you in law school. Jason also used his time as an associate attorney to observe what those successful law firms did well and what he thought could be done differently to improve the client experience and achieve better results.
Position | Organization | Location | Duration |
Owner | The Sandene Law Firm, LLC | Present |
School | Degree | Major | Graduation |
Creighton University School of Law | JD | Law School | 2012 |
University of Nebraska at Omaha | Bachelors | N/A |
State / Court | Date |
Colorado | 2012 |
- Member | Colorado State Bar Association
Honors & Awards
Office Hours
Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |
9:00 am - 5:00 pm | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm |
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Fee: Call today to learn more about my fee structure.
Service Type: Private
Language: English
Update Date: 2021-06-11
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Denver, CO 80204