Lauren Anzini | Phoenix Family Lawyer

Lauren Marie Lauren Lawyer

Lauren Marie Anzini

Divorce & Family Law



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Associate Attorney Lauren Anzini joined our law firm in 2022 and is a tireless advocate for our clients.

Outgoing, reliable, passionate about her work, Lauren is always up for a challenge. But she never loses sight of what’s most important – compassionately helping others. To quote Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s address to law students, Lauren says, “I’m always striving to ‘make things a little better for other people.’ “

Lauren was a Public Defender for the Maricopa County Office of the Public Advocate. Her clients were indigent parents facing the loss of their parental rights. Then Lauren moved to the prosecutorial side, spending two years as Assistant Attorney General in the Child Support Division.

Lauren is an enthusiastic lifelong learner, wherever it takes her. As a child, her father was a U.S. Army JAG officer stationed in Germany for four years. Lauren became fluent in German and traveled all around Europe.

In 2008, Lauren obtained her BS from Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, with a double major in Spanish and Political Science. In conjunction with her language studies, Lauren spent three months with her host family in Sarapiqui, Costa Rica.

Lauren earned her JD from Arizona Summit Law School (2015). Her thesis was on mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines for low level offenders in the federal criminal justice system. She received the CALI award in Supreme Court Seminar and Criminal Procedure and took an externship with the Goldwater Institute her final semester. Academics aside, Lauren still found time for pro bono work with Wills for Heroes and Fathers Matter.
Position Organization Location Duration
AttorneyStewart Law GroupPresent
School Degree Major Graduation
Phoenix School of LawJ.D. Law School2017  
Ball State UniversityBachelors2008
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  • Member | Arizona State University State Bar Association  
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Lauren Marie Anzini has been a Premium Member since November 09, 2022.
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Verified Credentials Date Verified
(2017) Licensed as Attorney in Arizona. Verified with State Bar of Arizona.November 09, 2022

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Language: English

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Lauren Marie Anzini
202 E Earll Dr
Ste 160
Phoenix, AZ 85012


202 E Earll Dr
Ste 160
Phoenix, AZ 85012

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