Jay Meyers | Boca Raton Business Lawyer
Jay A Meyers
http://www., http://lawofficeofjaymeyers.com
- Law Office: J.Meyers, PLLC
- Law School: Albany Law School, Union University 1990
- Status: In Good Standing * Status is reviewed annually, For latest information visit here
718-273-2525 Showcase Page
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More Info for Lawyers - No Misconduct Found *Status is reviewed annually, For latest information visit here ✓
- Reviews Pro Bono Cases ✓
If you are seeking bankruptcy relief, a thorough analysis of your assets and income must be done to determine if you are eligible for relief and if so under which Chapter. As experienced attorneys we don’t make the mistake of filing for bankruptcy for individuals who don’t qualify, or who may lose assets through liquidation if they file. We pride ourselves on our thorough analysis and on our aggressive application of the laws for our clients’ maximum benefit.
While we represent people and businesses that may need to get a fresh start, after suffering financial setbacks, that is just part of our practice. We have filed well over two thousand cases since starting in 1992.
We also can assist lenders and secured creditors who have bankruptcy issues. We handle evictions in South Florida and can assist you if a tenant files for bankruptcy.
Serious Accident Cases- ask us about our results! Our office recently obtained over $1,000,000.00 in a construction site accident settlement for a client with an injured ankle.
Position | Organization | Location | Duration |
School | Degree | Major | Graduation |
Albany Law School, Union University | Law School | 1990 |
State / Court | Date |
New Jersey | 2019 |
Florida | 2017 |
New York | 1991 |
Arizona |
- Member | Florida State Bar Association
Member | New York State Bar Association
Member | New Jersey State Bar Association
Member | Arizona State Bar Association
Honors & Awards
Office Hours
Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |
9:00 am - 5:00 pm | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Verified Credentials
Jay A Meyers has been a Premium Member since December 10, 2024.
Lawyers with longer memberships tend to have more experience so we use the Membership date to help prioritize lawyer listings on search pages.
Verified Credentials | Date Verified |
December 10, 2024 |
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Additional Info
Fee: Please call to discuss my fee structure.
Service Type: Private
Language: English | Spanish | Russian
Update Date: 2023-07-17
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