Legal Articles, Civil Rights
Expulsion Based on Student's Arrest Unconstitutional, Says Court
Blog post on the constitutionality of expelling a student for being arrested off of school grounds.
Student Sues School for Alleged Racial Discrimination
Blog post about a student who sued her school and district on grounds of racial discrimination.
Court Reverses Judgment in Favor of Teacher's Invasion of Privacy
Blog post about a teacher's right to privacy in Connecticut.
Student Expelled For Explosive Misconduct With M80s
Blog post about a student who was expelled for setting off multiple M80s at school.
Student's Explicit Language Justifies Expulsion, Says Court
Blog post about a student who was expelled for using explicit language who then sued for re-enrollment.
Mother Challenges IEP for Lack of Emotional Support
Blog post about a mother who challenged her child's IEP on the basis that it did not provide for adequate emotional support.
DCF Claims Parents Unfit for Lack of Educational Care and Attention
Blog post about the Constitutional right of parents to provide for their children and the fact that the Department of Children and Families can make a determination that some parents are legally unfit to care for their children.
School Board "Obligated" to Utilize Drug-Sniffing Dogs, Says Court
Blog post about the use of drug sniffing dogs in public schools.
Vice Principal's Flawless Career Ends For Strip-Searching Students
Blog post about a veteran vice principal who was fired for ordering female students to be strip searched.