Legal Articles, Patent
Protecting Jewelry Design by Copyright or Patent?
Patents and copyrights are all enacted to provide protections over intellectual properties, including jewelry design, but from different aspects and on different parts of the intellectual property. The protections offered by these laws are not mutually exclusive.
Protection of Your Mobile App – Multifaceted Protection Approach
The vulnerability of a mobile app includes not only the source codes, but also in other aspects, such as the user interface, the screen display, the app’s name, and the business model behind the app. What protection can the law provide?
Publication, Nonpublication, and Early Publication of Patent Application-The Strategy
Patent application will be published after 18 months from the earliest filing date. Publication will make the invention to the public's knowledge. If the application fails to mature into a patent, the public will be able to use the knowledge of the invention without infringement. How to prevent it?
reedom to Operate Opinions: The Value of a Bold Patent Landscape Study
Federal Trademark Protection and the Likelihood of Confusion Test
Software Patents are Not Dead
Trademark Litigation as Business Strategy!
What You Should Be Working on Now
Entrepreneurs often hear they need to work ON their business, not merely IN it. This five part series: What You Should Be Working On Now provides insight and a framework making it easier to focus yourself and your people on your business while performing the myriad tasks and projects present.
Sports Licensing in College Athletics
While a student-athlete is prohibited by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) from receiving any compensation for the use of the student’s name, image and likeness, the same prohibition does not apply to the university.
Grey Market: Protecting Your Work From Unauthorized Parties Who Sell It For Less?
Grey Market: Protecting Your Work From Unauthorized Parties Who Sell It For Less?