Has the other driver's insurance company offered to pay you policy limits? DO NOT SETTLE until you learn what other coverages may apply. TWW attorney, Keith Weidner, here discusses multiple policies that might provide coverage, that you may not be aware of. By settling for one policy limit, you might lose your ability to recover more.
You may not have known but all of these types of policies, in addition to the policy of the at-fault driver, may come into play to provide coverage for your injuries from a car accident:
- The owner of the other car. If the person driving the car that hit you in an accident did not own the vehicle, the owner of the vehicle he or she was driving may have a separate policy in place that could cover your injuries.
- The employer of the driver. If the at-fault driver that hit you was working when the accident occurred (for example, a delivery driver), the driver's employer may have a policy of insurance that would apply.
- Your own UM coverage. We always encourage all drivers in Florida to buy UM coverage for this very reason. Many drivers on our roads today do not have enough insurance and many do not have any insurance at all. If a driver without sufficient insurance hits and injures you, your own UM policy will come into play to provide coverage for your accident.
- Someone else's UM coverage. If you come to us after an accident, we may also ask about your living situation (who you live with and where) because other people who live with you in your home may have UM coverage that might apply to your car accident claim.
The bottom line is: If you do not know all of the insurance policies that may apply to your accident and the entirety of the coverage that may be available, DO NOT SETTLE. Settling your claim, even for policy limits from the driver's insurance company, may compromise your ability to recover from other insurance companies that are responsible for your injuries and damages.
At TWW, we never charge any fee or cost to review an offer made to you by an insurance company and advise whether it is reasonable or whether other policies and coverage are available. Contact us.