St Louis Car Accident Lawyer - Always be prepared

author by Christopher Hoffmann on Nov. 28, 2019

Accident & Injury Car Accident Accident & Injury  Personal Injury 

Summary: It could potentially save your life or the life of another person on the road. Here are six essential items you need in your car for emergencies.

6 Items Always To Have In Your Car In Case Of An Emergency

Nobody likes to think that a regular driver around town will end up in an accident. Hopefully, you never have to deal with an emergency situation, but if you do, it’s always easier if you have a few key things in your car.

It could potentially save your life or the life of another person on the road. Here are six essential items you need in your car for emergencies.


1. A First Aid Kit

Never leave for a drive without a first aid kit in your trunk. You can either buy one that’s assembled or purchase the essentials separately and create your own.

You’ll need:

  • Bandages
  • Pain relievers
  • Allergy meds
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Cotton swab
  • Antibiotic cream
  • Heating pad
  • Meds for specific needs your family has (allergies, etc.)

2. Flashlight

You never know when your car breaks down in the middle of the road, in a poorly lit area. Smartphones also have a built-in flashlight, but you can’t always rely on them since the battery can quickly give up.

An old fashioned flashlight is your best bet.

3. Water Bottles

Water is a must during the hot seasons to clench your thirst or even put out a small fire that can erupt on the way. Just have 2-3 jugs in the trunk for emergency situations, and perhaps some paper cups to drink from.

4. Snacks

Long drives, particularly in the more remote areas require plenty of snacks. You never know when the next gas station will come by, and if your car breaks down and you have to stay a few hours until someone drives by to help, snacks can be very handy.

5. Spare Tire

A lot of people discard the spare tire to make more room in the trunk (unless the tire can be mounted outside the car), but this is a very bad idea. You always have to prepare for the worst, and the worst in this context is getting a flat tire in the area where you can’t do anything about it. Unless, of course, you have a spare.

If you don’t know how to change one, it may also be a good idea to practice in the comfort of your driveway.

6. Jumper Cables

The car battery just dies. How do you get it back on the road? Jumper cables. Waiting around for someone else to drive by, stop, and help you isn’t an efficient solution on a very cold January day, so it’s better to have your own.

If you are ever in an Auto Accident

When it comes to emergency packing, it’s best to prepare for the worst-case scenario to stay safe.

If you were the victim of a car accident, Missouri law says you are entitled to compensation. Reach out to a St. Louis car accident lawyer for legal advice on how to make the most out of your insurance claim.

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