Who is Liable for Car Accidents Caused by Bad Roads?

author by Christopher Hoffmann on May. 20, 2015

Accident & Injury Car Accident Accident & Injury  Personal Injury Accident & Injury 

Summary: Driver's often assume that a car accident caused by bad road conditions are simply an unfortunate event and no one's fault.

Bad road conditions are a major cause of accidents across the United States. Potholes, large pools of water, and construction debris on the roads are some of the causes for automobile accidents. In such cases, the unfortunate driver may believe that the incident is an accident and no one is at fault. However, at times it is because of someone’s negligence that led to the bad condition of the road which in turn caused an accident.

Improper Design or Poor Maintenance

Improper design or poor maintenance can lead to deterioration of a road. Studies have shown that over half of all highway accidents have been a result of bad roads. If you or a loved one has been a victim of a road accident resulting from bad road conditions, contact an experienced St. Louis car accident lawyer who can help you in getting your rightful compensation.

The people responsible for construction and maintenance of roads are entrusted to keep the roads safe. However, engineers miscalculate the requirements, contractors want to save money and cut corners, and towns fail to correct hazardous sections of road. People generally think that only water and ice accumulation on the road increases hazards; however, shoulder drop-offs, blind curves, wrong gradient, and potholes are other common hazards that drivers encounter on the roads.

These hazards can cause a driver to lose control of a vehicle, resulting in an accident. For example, if the wheel of your car hits a drop off, the bounce which follows can make it extremely difficult for you to control the car. Large pools of water on a road with improper gradient can cause a car to hydroplane.

Who May Be Liable?

When an accident occurs due to bad roads, the driver is the first one to be held liable as he or she is supposed to pay attention to the road and avoid hazards such as water pools and potholes. However, the agencies involved in constructing and maintaining the road can also be held liable for the accident. These include:

  • The road crew of a construction company that did not post sufficient warning of the construction in progress ahead.
  • In case of an intersection or a stretch of road with a high accident rate, the municipality of the town can be held responsible for ignoring repeated requests for more signage.
  • The engineer who designed a road with a blind curve and bad gradient that causes collection of water or ice.
  • The state agency that did not fix damage on the road, namely potholes.
  • The construction company who saved money by deciding to use less or inferior materials.

Establishing liability can be very difficult; it is important to hire the services of a competent auto accident attorney for legal guidance. Call The Hoffmann Law Firm, L.L.C. at (314) 361-4242 for a free consultation.

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