Legal Articles, Health Care

Recovering for PTSD after an Auto Accident

While many physical injuries resulting from a collision can be severe and stabilization is important, doctors should also pay attention to the potential mental effects of an accident.

Personal Injury Medical Terms Part IV – Spinal Glossary (R-Z)

This is Part IV of VI in my Personal Injury Medical Terms Glossary. This is the final part in the portion of this glossary which relates to the spine and common injuries which occur as a result of a slip and fall, a car accident, a motorcycle accident, a bicycle accident or a pedestrian accident.

Personal Injury Medical Terms Part I – General

One of the more consistent and common characteristics of people who have been injured in an accident that I have noticed is a reluctance to ask questions about their medical condition or treatment plan.

soft tissue injuries

The insurance companies have done a fantastic job of getting the American public to associate the term “soft tissue injury” with minor or not serious injuries. First of all, soft tissue injuries generally refer to injuries to the muscles, ligaments, tendons and discs in the spine.

Ghost Surgery:Be Advised

If you or a loved one is anticipating surgery make sure you clearly understand who will serve as primary surgeon and their level of proficiency.

The Effects of Brain Injuries on Children

The effects of a brain injury can be far more devastating in a child than in an adult patient. This is because a child's brain is still developing until age 25. An injury sustained by a still-developing brain can stall or even completely stunt the brain's growth.

How Annuities Are Treated under New York State Medicaid

Applicants for nursing home Medicaid in New York State must disclose any interest they or their spouse has in an annuity. How does such an annuity affect Medicaid eligibility?

What Should You Do With Your Disabled Child’s 529 Plan?

What can you legally do with a 529 college savings plan for your disabled child, if it now appears unlikely that he or she will attend college after all? Can you leave the money in the plan, or use it for something else? What taxes or penalties apply?

Product Defects and the Important Role of Personal Injury Attorneys

Why a strong legal system is important for you. how attorneys protect your rights, and help keep you safe.

OSHA Gets Into the Act on Ebola

Ebola outbreaks remain in the news on a daily basis. Now OSHA has issued guidance on addressing Ebola issues in the workplace. Employers can be held responsible and fined for failing to satisfy their general duty to mitigate workplace safety and health hazards.

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