Legal Articles, Industry Specialties

Legal Marketing Issues for Today’s Modern Automobile Dealership

In targeting vehicle buyers, today’s modern dealerships have invested heavily in their individual websites and virtual billboard advertisements such as pay-per-click and banner advertisements.

Online Reputation Management for Automobile Dealerships

The shift from print media to online advertising for the Automotive Industry

Legal Marketing Issues for Today’s eMerchant

eMerchants have invested heavily in their individual websites and virtual billboard advertisements such as pay-per-click and banner advertisements


Internet Lawyer Mark Ishman of the Ishman Law Firm, just won another case for one of his clients. In this case, Mark Ishman was representing an entrepreneur who sought to develop an informative website for the marketing of casino gaming clubs

Legal Enforcement of International Franchise Relationships

Article dealt with Legal Enforcement of International Franchise Relationships in countries outside of the United States.

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