4 Signs It's Time to Settle Your Workers Comp Case

author by James M. Hoffmann on Apr. 24, 2022

Accident & Injury Employment  Workers' Compensation 

Summary: Workers' compensation cases are often complex and challenging to settle. However, there may come a time when you realize that it's in your best interest to reach a settlement agreement with the insurance company. If you're wondering whether or not now is the time to settle, here are signs that may indicate it's the right decision.


Workers' compensation cases are often complex and challenging to settle. However, there may come a time when you realize that it's in your best interest to reach a settlement agreement with the insurance company. If you're wondering whether or not now is the time to settle, here are signs that may indicate it's the right decision.



Your Injuries Are No Longer Improving


If you've been injured at work, you may have initially gone through a period of improvement. However, if your condition has plateaued or begun to worsen, your body may have reached maximum medical improvement. In this case, settling your workers' comp case may be the best option.



Your Attorney Thinks It's the Best Option


Of course, you should always consult with your attorney before making any decisions about your workers' comp case. However, if your lawyer believes that settling is in your best interest, it's worth considering their opinion.



You Lack Solid Evidence


Just like any other injury claim, you need evidence to prove your injury is work-related. However, if you don't have any solid evidence, settling your case may be the best way to get the money you need.



The Insurance Company Is Offering a Good Settlement


If the insurance company has made you a fair offer, it may be in your best interest to take it. However, you should always consult with an experienced workers' compensation attorney before accepting any offers from the insurance company.



The Law Office of James M. Hoffmann


If you're wondering if it's time to settle your workers' compensation case, we can help. Our experienced Missouri workers' compensation attorneys can review your case and help you determine if settling is the best option for you. Give us a call 24/7 at (314) 361-4300 for a free case evaluation.

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