I Was Injured In A Car Accident, And It Is Clear That The Other Driver Was At Fault. Do I Still Need To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney?

by Brett C. Drouet on Jul. 28, 2022

Accident & Injury Accident & Injury  Personal Injury Accident & Injury  Car Accident 

Summary: Yes, you should still hire a personal injury attorney no matter how clear it is that the other driver was at fault. If you have suffered significant injuries, it will always be in your best interest to be represented by a skilled personal injury attorney.

I Was Injured In A Car Accident, And It Is Clear That The Other Driver Was At Fault. Do I Still Need To Hire A Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney?

Yes, you should still hire a personal injury attorney no matter how clear it is that the other driver was at fault. If you have suffered significant injuries, it will always be in your best interest to be represented by a skilled personal injury attorney.

There are several reasons why this is so, but the main reason is that the insurance company who will stand as the defendant in your case has a singular goal to pay you as little as possible, and virtually endless resources with which to pursue that goal. They have attorneys, experts, and consultants on retainer, as well as whole departments whose whole job is to limit your recovery as much as possible.

Therefore, in order to pursue anything close to a fair and just settlement, you will need to have an experienced, knowledgeable attorney by your side. The right personal injury attorney will know how to approach the insurance company in question such that they do not feel that they can take advantage of you. They will be able to convince the insurance company that it is more beneficial for them to give you a fair settlement than to pursue a prolonged, exceedingly expensive court case (which may wind up ultimately costing them more than simply giving you the money to which you are lawfully entitled).

Understanding that you need an attorney to represent you on a personal injury case is like understanding that you need a doctor to treat you for a serious injury. If you scrape your knee, you may not need to see a doctor to treat that scrape. You can probably just clean it up and put a band aid on it yourself. However, if you get a gash down to the bone on the same knee, you will need medical attention. That sort of gash would need stitches and possibly even surgery, which you cannot perform yourself. If you treated it with the same DIY attitude as a skinned knee, you could wind up with a massive infection that could lead to sepsis, amputation, and even death.

In a similar way, there are certain legal matters you can take care of on your own. Many standard legal proceedings in other matters can be filed pro se, or on your own without an attorney. However, when it comes to a complex, extremely high-stakes case like a personal injury negotiation, refusing to hire an attorney would be like refusing to see a doctor for a massive knee gash. In both cases, a professional is required to provide their services. Also in both cases, refusing to pursue those professional services can have disastrous consequences.

For more information on Personal Injury Law in Los Angeles, San Diego and Southern California, a free iniitial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (626) 644-1755 or (619) 844-6448 today.

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