Navigating Tennessee’s Workers’ Compensation System

author by Megan Renee Geer on Jul. 27, 2022

Accident & Injury Accident & Injury  Personal Injury Employment  Workers' Compensation 

Summary: For those who have been injured on the job, navigating the workers’ compensation system can be confusing and even hostile. But you can improve your chances of a good outcome by hiring an attorney and having a better understanding of how the system works.

For those who have been injured on the job, navigating the workers’ compensation system can be confusing and even hostile. But you can improve your chances of a good outcome by hiring an attorney and having a better understanding of how the system works.

In the simplest terms, workers’ compensation is a system that provides medical care to people who have been injured on the job. It also will provide disability payments for those who are unable to work while receiving treatment. However, there are certain steps you need to take (and certain deadlines you need to meet) to receive workers’ compensation.

You’ve had the unfortunate experience of finding yourself injured on the job and facing the workers’ compensation system. Now what? For the next several posts, we are going to go through the main steps in workers’ compensation and attempt to cover various situations that can be detrimental to your claim. So don’t let your claim be dismissed before it gets off the ground.

Hiring an attorney helps ensure that you don’t fall victim to the system. Tennessee law doesn’t require you to hire an attorney to help with your workers’ compensation claim. You do, however, have this option. For many people, hiring an attorney helps resolve their case more quickly and favorably. Workers’ compensation is a highly specialized area of law. Therefore, only hire an attorney who dedicates the majority of their practice to workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation attorneys are hired on a contingent-fee basis. The most attorneys can collect is 20% of the money awarded by the judge.

When you’ve been injured in the job, you need the right attorney by your side. The lawyers at Grimmett Law Firm have handled hundreds of workers’ compensation claims and will fight for rights and represent injured clients all across Tennessee. Call our office at (615) 933-8000 or email to schedule a free consultation.

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