Top 4 Facts for Injured Employees in Missouri

author by James M. Hoffmann on Dec. 07, 2021

Employment Workers' Compensation Accident & Injury 

Summary: Here are the pertinent facts every injured worker should know about workers' compensation.


Unless you have been injured at work in the past, the only thing you may know about workers' compensation is that it's a system of insurance that provides compensation for employees who have been injured on the job. However, there's more to workers' comp than that. Here are the pertinent facts every injured worker should know about workers' compensation.



It's in Your Own Best Interest to Report Your Workplace Injury or Illness


After sustaining injuries in a work-related accident, you may be uncertain whether your injuries are severe enough to warrant your employer's attention. However, it's always advisable to report your accident and injuries to your employer right away. If you don't report your injury, it could lead to denial of your workers' compensation claim.


Here are more important reasons why you should report your workplace injury or illness right away:


  • Better medical care: If an injury is reported promptly, your employer can help you get prompt medical care. This will help treat your injuries early before they become more severe and expensive to treat. 

  • Protect your job: Some organizations have strict injury reporting rules. If you fail to report, you may receive a formal suspension without pay.

  •  Evidence: You can use your written report to prove you reported your injuries on time and also prove your injuries are work-related.


When submitting your report, do it in writing and make sure you give a detailed account of how your accident and injuries occurred. Also, make sure you keep a copy of the report. This will prevent the employer from saying you didn't report your injury and, therefore, are not eligible for workers' compensation.



Missouri Follows a "No-Fault" Workers' Comp System 


Like other states, Missouri has a "no-fault" system. The system requires employers to compensate injured workers regardless of who is responsible for the workplace accident and injuries.  



Not All Workers Are Covered By Workers' Comp


Missouri Workers' Comp exempts certain employees. For example, if you are an agricultural worker, domestic worker, independent contractor, or volunteer, you may not qualify for workers' comp benefits. 


However, just because your employer or employee group is exempt from workers' comp, this doesn't mean you should automatically assume you're not eligible for benefits. Some companies cover exempted employees under their workers' comp insurance policy. So the only way to be 100 percent sure if you're eligible for compensation or not is to read through your employer's workers' comp insurance policy and discuss it with an experienced attorney.



You Will Generally Benefit From Working With an Experienced Attorney


No matter how strong your evidence is or how much you trust your employer, there's a chance the insurer will try to lowball you. This, among other reasons, is why you should ensure you speak with an experienced workers' comp attorney before you file your claim or talk to the insurance company. 


Your attorney can advise you of your legal options and rights. They can also help you collect strong evidence and file your claim on time.


The Law Office of James M. Hoffmann Is Here to Help!


If you have suffered an injury or illness at work in Missouri, get in touch with the experienced workers' compensation attorneys at the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann 24/7 at (314) 361-4300 for a free case evaluation.

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