Legal Articles, Criminal
Theft Crimes
Scroll to the section of the page titled "Theft Crimes" to read about how prosecutors have been overcharging for theft crimes.
Drug and DUI Charges - How to Proceed
Scroll to the Drug & DUI section of the page for more information on how to proceed after a DUI charge and why having a lawyer is important.
Information Regarding Family and Criminal Law
Information regarding how our law firm can help you through your tough situation.
Reaching the Babies Through the Mothers: The Effects of Prosecution on Pregnant Substance Abusers
Examines the efficacy of prosecution as a deterrent to substance abuse while pregnant.
Restraining Orders In California Must Be Taken Very Seriously
This article details the different types of restraining orders and why they need to be taken so seriously.
How not to get a DWI charge in Washington
Driving while impaired is not only a serious crime in Washington; it is also a danger to the safety of everyone on the road.
South Carolina Criminal Defense
Info that may be helpful for you if you are facing a Criminal charge.
Assault and Battery in Michigan
Assault and battery in Michigan is a serious criminal offense that carries severe punishment. If convicted, offenders could face hard jail time and serious amount of fines. If you or someone you know is charged with assault and battery in Michigan, you'll need a criminal defense lawyer to fight for your rights.
How to Fight Your DUI
Florida DUI laws are challenging and complex, and you will benefit from seeking the advice of an experienced DUI lawyer. As a former DUI prosecutor, I will be able to review and evaluate your case and provide you with the experience needed to fight your DUI charge.
How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Fight to Prevent Charges from Being Filed
If you have been arrested for a criminal offense, speaking with a criminal defense attorney before charges are formally filed can be beneficial. Having your criminal attorney speak with the Prosecuting Attorney before charges are filed can sometimes result in charges being reduced or possibly even dismissed.