Legal Articles, Divorce & Family Law

In Dissolution Matter, Trial Court Orders Amended Complaint After Third-Party Intervenes

In a divorce action, the Superior Court of Connecticut, Judicial District of Stamford-Norwalk at Stamford considered a third-party defendant’s motion for order regarding the status of pleadings in a marriage dissolution action.

Taking the First Step: How to Hire and What to Expect from a Divorce Lawyer in Connecticut

Taking the First Step: How to Hire and What to Expect from a Divorce Lawyer in Connecticut

Court Conditions Alimony Payments on the Sale of the Parties’ Marital Residence

Following trial in a dissolution of marriage action pending in the Superior Court for the Judicial District of Stamford, the Court awarded the wife alimony, but conditioned payments on the sale of the marital residence.  The parties were married in 1973 and were the parents of two children, both of whom were over the age of twenty-three at the time of trial.  The husband was most recently employed by a family run business he formed in the early 1990’s, until he quit on January 1, 2012.

Court Grants Wife’s Motion to Dismiss Divorce Action Where Parties Moved to Connecticut with Intention of Returning to California

Before filing for divorce in Connecticut, prospective litigants must satisfy certain statutory jurisdictional criteria.  This often becomes an issue where parties were married in Connecticut, but one spouse (or both) subsequently moved to another state.  As illustrated by a decision rendered in the Superior Court of Stamford, this type of situation could impact a court’s ability to hear the case.

Determining Jurisdiction in Custody Cases Under the UCCJEA

When a parent relocates with minor children following the entry of custody orders, clients are often faced with the challenge of determining where to file post judgment motions.  A decision rendered in the Superior Court of Norwich explains the court’s authority, or jurisdiction, in such instances.  In that particular case, the parties were the parents of one minor child.

Physician Obtains Downward Modification to Alimony Obligation

In a post-judgment divorce action, a physician was successful in obtaining a downward modification to his alimony obligation due to a substantial decrease in his income.  The parties were divorced back in 2007, and pursuant to the judgment of dissolution, the husband was required to pay alimony to the wife in the amount of $6,000 per month for a period of eleven months, followed by $5,000 per month thereafter.  The amount of the alimony obligation was modifiable upon a substantial change in circumstances in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes § 46b-86.

In Post Judgment Divorce Action, Court Determines that $1.2 Million Payment to Husband was Income, Not Liquidation of an Asset

In a post-judgment decision rendered, the Superior Court of Fairfield at Bridgeport addressed whether a payment that a husband received from his employer after the parties’ divorce constituted an asset or, alternatively, income.  The parties in this action obtained an uncontested divorce in 2008.  As part of their separation agreement, the husband was obligated to pay the wife child support in the amount of $1,600.00 per month.

Child Care Costs and the Connecticut Child Support Guidelines

In a decision rendered previously, the Connecticut Appellate Court explained the definition of “child care costs” as set forth in the Connecticut Child Support Guidelines.  In that particular case, the parties were married for approximately five years and were the parents of two minor children.  During the year of 2003, they entered into a custody stipulation which was subsequently incorporated into a comprehensive separation agreement.  The separation agreement provided that the husband would pay the wife $2,500 per month in unallocated alimony and child support for a period of five years, followed by straight child support.

Court Modifies Alimony Award to $40,000 Per Month

In certain cases, a court is permitted to modify orders regarding alimony and child support after a divorce has been finalized.  Although there are a variety of circumstances under which a modification may be warranted, cases often involve situations where one party’s income has significantly increased or decreased.

Court Grants Mother Sole Custody of Her Daughter

In a custody decision, a New York appellate court affirmed a lower court’s decision to grant a mother sole custody of the parties’ child.  In this particular case, the parties were divorced in 2001, and for several years thereafter shared joint custody of their daughter.  The mother had primary physical custody subject to liberal unsupervised visitation with the father. The mother moved for sole custody, requesting that the father’s visitation be suspended, or alternatively, that it be supervised.  The father cross-moved for sole legal and physical custody, claiming that the mother was interfering with his visitation.

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